
  • Philippians 3:7

Paul had changed masters.

  • Galatians 1:1
  • Acts 9:1-2, 13 – Paul is using the authority of men.
  • Acts 9:3-5, 15 – Paul was now going to do Jesus’ bidding.
  • This change of authority changed everything for Paul!
  • Galatians 1:6-10 – Paul recognized an authority higher than himself.
  • Galatians 2:1-5 – Paul was openly preaching to Gentiles now and defending Titus from being circumcised.
  • Galatians 2:20 – Have I changed masters?
  • Galatians 5:16-24 – It is our choice which of these things we do.

Paul didn’t let his past stop him from teaching the truth now.

  • Galatians 1:11-13, 22-24 – Because of his change, people were now glorifying God.
  • I Thessalonians 4:3-5
  • Are we afraid to speak out against things we used to do?
  • I Timothy 4:15-16 – Paul was a great teacher because of his past and how drastic his change was.
  • If only perfect people could teach or advise, who would be qualified?