Excuses in the Bible

  • Luke 14:15-24
    • Even when God offers blessings, we can come up with reasons not to accept them.
  • Genesis 3:8-13
    • Excuses have been around since the beginning.
  • II Kings 5:10-14
    • Naaman made an excuse to not follow Elisha’s instructions.

Excuses today

  • I cannot understand the Bible.
  • Some day but not right now.
    • Luke 9:57-62
    • Luke 12:16-21
  • Too much to give up.
    • Matthew 16:26
  • I’m good enough now.
    • Romans 3:23
    • Acts 4:12


  • Romans 1:21
  • Excuses do us more harm than good.
  • Philippians 2:12