
  • Job 1:12; 2:6-10
  • Job 17:1 – Job was broken by what he’d gone through.
  • How do we keep from getting overwhelmed when things pile up in our lives?
  • Job 7:20
  • Job 14:1 – Job had lost perspective.

This is temporary. God is going to fix all this.

  • God does not owe us an explanation for anything. He has told us what we need to know.
  • James 4:5
  • James 5:10
  • Hebrews 11:10

God is in control, even when I don’t understand everything.

  • Job was ignorant of what was going on behind the scenes.
  • Job 13:3, 15, 20 – Job wanted to argue his case before God.
  • Job 23:3
  • Job 1:20-22
  • Job 42:3
  • It is okay if I don’t understand everything.

I should blame Satan, not myself or God.

  • Job 1:1
  • Luke 13:1-3 – Sometimes bad things just happen.
  • Be careful about assigning things to God.
  • Job 1:22 – Job never blamed God.

Nothing on earth is worse than Hell, or better than Heaven.

  • Matthew 25:34, 41

I need to spend time with mature Christians.

  • Job 22:33; 8:6; 11:14 – Job’s friends had terrible advice.
  • We need to spend time with people who will give good advice.
  • Acts 2:46; 12:12 – Early Christians came together.
  • Seek out mature Christians who can help.