Words translated as “gossip” in the NASB NT
- Diabolos [1228] – I Timothy 3:11; II Timothy 3:3; Titus 2:3 – devil, malicious gossip, slanderer
- “a common term for ‘devil’ found in about forty contexts”
- Psithyristes [5588] – Romans 1:29
- Gossips, whisperers
- “A whisperer, a secret slanderer” (Zodhiates)
- We should not applaud those who practice gossip.
- Psithyrismos [5587] – II Corinthians 12:20
- Gossip, whisperings
- “A whispering, particularly of slander and detraction, hurtful gossip” (Zodhiates)
- Phlyaros [5397] – I Timothy 5:13
- Gossips, tattlers
- “A tattler, an idle or trifling talker, one who boils over with impertinent talk” (Zodhiates)
But lets realize that not ALL personal or negative communication is gossip.
Definition of gossip
- “The sharing of personal or negative information about someone else, either true or false, without righteous intent.”