• Hebrews 9:14-28
Testament Covenant
Testator Covenant maker
Gift Mediator
Heirs Death of sacrifice
Conditions Relationship established
Death of testator
When conditions met, and the gift received, it is not reversible. Must continue in the conditions of the covenant to maintain this relationship.
  • Hebrews 9:15 – Some translations render this as “testament” rather than “covenant,” but this is clearly talking about a covenant relationship.
Old Covenant New Covenant
God Maker God
Moses Mediator Jesus
Sacrifice Animal Jesus
Those who kept the conditions of the covenant. People Those who keep the conditions of the covenant.
  • Hebrews 9:16 – The word here often translated as “testator” is translated as “appointed” or other words in other places. This gives the erroneous idea that this is a legal will.

    • In this text:
      • There is a covenant maker.
      • There is a mediator.
      • There is a blood sacrifice.
      • The mediator is the sacrifice.
      • The mediator died for the redemption of those who lived under a former covenant.
      • Is parallel to the first covenant.
  • Hebrews 9:19-22 – Both the book and the people were sprinkled with blood in the Old Covenant. Today we must be sprinkled with blood in a spiritual sense (i.e., blood purified) to be acceptable