
  • Tonight, we’ll be continuing our study on humility, looking at Chapters 20-22 of Humility Practice.

Chapter 20: Let it Go

Examples in the Bible

  • Letting go in our context refers to getting over minor frustrations and inconveniences.

Joseph treating his brothers kindly despite their behavior towards him:

  • Genesis 50:20–21

Esau greets Jacob warmly, despite previously having his birthright swindled away from him:

  • Genesis 33:1–9

Paul refuses to take John Mark at first, but later gladly works with him:

  • Acts 15:36–39
  • 2 Timothy 4:9–11

Jesus teaches on forgiveness

  • Matthew 18:21–22
  • Luke 17:3–4
  • Matthew 6:12–15
  • If Jesus commanded this liberality of forgiveness, how could we dare to hold onto outrage over small slights?

Why is this a sign of humility?

  • Anger can be a selfish thing. We want to be right and show that the other person is wrong and needs to make things right.

  • Letting go can seem like we are giving up on the issue – saying it doesn’t matter. Or that our emotions don’t matter.

  • Letting things go does not mean that we refuse to label sinful things as sinful. Jesus commanded forgiveness when people repent of their wrongs.

  • But when a thing is a small slight, let it go. Don’t hold it over the person’s head and require them to repent for every little thing.

How can we apply this ourselves?

The golden rule

  • Matthew 7:12

Treat others with love

  • Matthew 22:37–40

  • Aim to see the best in others, assume the best about their intentions until you have reason not to, and above all, show love.

  • Humble yourself and leave room for God’s justice.

  • Remember all the times you have wronged others and appreciated it when they let it go, whether you knew about it or not!

Chapter 21: Deflect a Compliment

Examples in the Bible

Joseph giving credit to God for interpretation of dreams

  • Genesis 41:15–16

Daniel crediting God for interpretation of dreams

  • Daniel 2:27–30

Peter points to God as the source of the healing power

  • Acts 3:12–16

Peter refuses worship

  • Acts 10:24–26

Paul points to God’s power

  • 1 Corinthians 2:1–5

Why is this a sign of humility?

  • When offered a compliment, we selfishly want to revel in it. It feels good to get a compliment!

  • It is a good thing to give compliments genuinely and to receive them from others, but it can also make us prideful. This is something God hates! Proverbs 6:16–19

  • It shows humility to deal with a compliment gracefully and then immediately get back on an even keel. Don’t allow yourself to become prideful and revel in it. It’s easy to want to swim around in compliments like Scrooge McDuck!

How can we apply this ourselves?

  • Do what the title of the chapter says: deflect the compliment!

  • Accept the compliment gracefully but remember the others who have been involved or helped in some way.

  • Remember who is ultimately responsible – God!

  • Find a way to be thankful and express humility instead of pride.

Chapter 22: Worship

Examples in the Bible

  • In the days of the Law of Moses, the Jews had a prescribed method of worship, which involved animal sacrifices and worship at the temple.

  • Today, we are governed by the New Covenant, in which Christians worship by singing praise to God, praying, observing the Lord’s Supper, and studying God’s word.

In worship, we are kneeling before God.

  • Psalm 95:6–7

David showed a great example of the right attitude to take in worship before God:

  • Psalm 8:1–4

Our worship is an offering to God

  • Romans 12:1

We worship God because He commands it and because it is good for us. God does not suffer without our worship:

  • Acts 17:24–25

Why is this a sign of humility?

  • We are taking time to expressly put our focus on God – not ourselves.

  • Worship is not something that we do to entertain ourselves. It is a service to God.

  • In taking time to voluntarily worship God (He commands it, but does not force us to do it), we are resetting our perspective to be God-centered, not self-centered.

How can we apply this ourselves?

  • Focus during worship. Think about what you are really doing. Focus on the words of the songs and the scriptures. Take the sermon to heart and see where you can improve your service to God.

  • Don’t use vain repetition. Matthew 6:7

  • Try to see things from God’s perspective.

  • Humble your heart. Remember that your worship is an offering to God.