II Kings 5:1-12 - the story of Naaman the leper
The difference between king and prophet
Naaman brought his letter to the king, but he really needed to speak to God’s prophet Elisha.
Luke 19:10 - Jesus is the one to whom we must point others for salvation.
II Kings 5:7 - We must be careful not to assume what we do not know as the king of Israel did.
The difference between wave and wash
II Kings 5:11 - Naaman had already decided how God was going to cure him.
Am I obeying all of what is written in God’s word? Let us not presume what God wants us to do like Naaman did.
The difference between Pharpar and Jordan
II Kings 5:12
Leviticus 10:1-4 - What difference did the fire make for Nadab and Abihu? It was the difference between life and death!
Galatians 1:8 - What difference does the message make? It’s the difference between being acceptable or not before God!
Hebrews 8:4-5 - Like Moses, we are to work according to the pattern God has shown us.
II Kings 5:13-14 - Naaman obeyed God and was cleansed.
February 19, 2012
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