Matthew 19:16-17 - How can we know who or what is good? God is the basis for what is good. He decides what is good and informs us through His word.
Examples of firm “goodness” include Jesus cleansing the temple (Matthew 21. How does this compare to our modern culture’s view of “goodness,” especially goodness in religion?
A good religious person will find truth and follow it sincerely.
Matthew 7:17-19 - Is a Christian’s life characterized by simply abstaining from sinful activities? Certainly not! We must go out and do good!
Matthew 7:13 - Many people tend to do what is easy instead of what is good.
In what way does Tabitha serve as an example of “good words” (Acts 9:36-39? Her service was a way of life, not just an isolated instance or two of goodness.
III John 1?
Being prideful and making it difficult for others to serve God is certainly not good.
Walking in truth and helping others as Gaius and Demetrius did is the kind of goodness we should emulate.
What are the practical benefits or results of a Christian being truly good?
I Timothy 2:15 - We silence the ignorance of foolish men.
Earthly relationships are more pleasant and peaceful because people appreciate our goodness.
It glorifies God.
It gives self respect.
It helps others.
February 15, 2012
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