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  • Darkness is …
    • Where the devil reigns
      • The “domain of darkness” (Colossians 1:13.
      • The world is dark because “the prince of darkness” rules over it (John 12:31.
      • All who live under his reign are his slaves (I John 5:19.
      • Demon possession was unique to the 1st century, but spiritual warfare has always been (II Kings 6:17.
      • If God’s angels carry out His will on earth (Hebrews 1:14.
      • They are everywhere, promoting “the course of this world” (Ephesians 2:1-3.
    • Where sin abounds
      • Most people prefer Satan’s darkness to God’s light (John 3:19-20.
    • Where we learn of hell
      • Being separated permanently from God’s light will be the worst part of hell (Matthew 25:30.
  • Banish darkness by …
    • Recognizing light
      • God provides an alternative to darkness (Isaiah 9:2.
      • Through faith we can see the light (Acts 26:18.
    • Embracing light
      • Our initial choice must be followed by a continual choice (Ephesians 5:8.
    • Becoming light
      • We are driving to share the light of Jesus (Ephesians 5:11-13.
      • It is our duty to take the battle to Satan (Romans 13:12.
      • Failure to do so shows a lack of light in ourhearts (Matthew 6:22-23.

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  • The future is God’s
    • We fear the future because we cannot control it. (James 4:13-16
    • Christians turn the future over to God. (Proverbs 23:17-18
    • God is not focused on life’s minutia, nor should we be. (Matthew 6:31-32
    • God focuses on eternity. (I Timothy 6:18-19
    • We are clay in His hands. (Jeremiah 18:1-6.
    • If we turn out wrong, it is because we are pressing toward our idea of the future and not God’s (Romans 9:20
    • Will we have the faith and humility to accept His plan, or insist on our own? (Jeremiah 29:11
  • Are we grabbers or givers?
    • Ecclesiastes 11:1
    • The people of this world are afraid to let go of control they don’t really have.
    • We give God our present (Psalms 112:5-9
    • We also give God our future.
      • If Abraham was willing to offer up Isaac (Genesis 22:12, we can bend our vision of the future to serve His purposes.
  • Are we campers or claimers?
    • Israel chose the wilderness because they feared the future would be worse (Numbers 13-14.
    • Are we as dissatisfied with the status quo as God is? (II Chronicles 5:1-4
  • Are we waiters or walkers?
    • The time is now to seize your destiny.
    • The Jordan didn’t stop flowing until the priests stepped into the river (Joshua 3:14-16.
    • The most hazardous time to walk may be the most crucial (Ezekiel 13:5.

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  • The fear of man means fear of loss.
    • Jesus wanrs us we may lose something (Matthew 10:39.
    • Jesus promises us that eventually we will lose everything (I Timothy 6:7.
  • The fear of man means fear of isolation.
    • Jesus warns us we may lose loved ones (Matthew 10:37.
    • Jesus promises us that eventuallly we will lose loved ones (Hebrews 9:27.
  • When we fear God instead of man …
    • We do not dread loss.
      • An imperishable inheritance that “will not fade away” is reserved for us (I Peter 1:4.
    • We do not dread isolation.
      • We have fellowship with the faithful and with our Savior (I John 1:3.
    • We embrace the inevitable to receive the incomparable (II Corinthians 4:17.
  • The fear of man keeps us from …
    • Fighting the good fight
      • (I Samuel 17.
    • Sharing in His calling
      • (Matthew 10:21-26.
    • Seeing God’s glory
      • (II Samuel 22.
    • Psalms 118:4-6

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  • What is “fear”?
    • Fear is respect; when God speaks, we listen (Isaiah 66:1-2.
    • Fear is deference; when God speaks, we worship (Psalms 96:4.
    • Fear is appreciation; when God acts, we acknowledge (Revelation 15:4.
  • The one who does not fear God does not know God.
    • His power (Mark 12:24
    • His holiness (Psalms 99:1-3
    • His will (Genesis 22:12
    • His wrath (Jeremiah 10:10
    • A warning for sinners (II Thessalonians 1:8
    • A warning for saints (I Corinthians 15:34
  • The one who does not fear God does not love God.
    • Love and fear are complementary (Deutereonomy 10:12).
    • We show fear (Ecclesiastes 12:13 in the same way - through obedience.
    • We love and fear our earthly fathers (Hebrews 12:9.
    • We fear and love God for the same reason (Hebrews 12:10.
  • The fear of God produces peace.
    • Fearing God means not having to be afraid of anything else (Exodus 20:18-20.
  • The fear of God brings blessings.
    • Goodness (Psalms 31:19
    • Prosperity (Psalms 25:12-13
    • Compassion (Psalms 103:13
    • Refreshment (Proverbs 3:7-8
    • No want (Psalms 34:9
    • Fearing God is what we were designed to do (I Peter 1:17; naturally we will be happier when we are doing it.
  • The fear of God banishes lesser fears.
    • Ungodly fear is groundless.
    • We panic over inconsequential matters (Genesis 3:10.
    • Ungodly fear is destructive.
    • The “roaring lion” (II Peter 5:8 will devour us if we fear his devices instead of God.
    • Ungodly fear is faithless.
    • “A little with the fear of the Lord” (Proverbs 15:16.

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  • (II Chronicles 20:14-17 - Realize the battle is not yours.
    • If you continue to fight your battle with fear, you will continue to lose.
      • You are searching for security, and security is beyond your control.
    • You have to let God fight for you (II Chronicles 20:20-26.
      • He will take you to “the Valley of Beracah”.
  • (Exodus 14:10-14 - Replace your fears with the fear of God.
    • Giving in to fear can make us doubt our commitment to God.
    • We will find peace if we will just “keep silent” and listen. (Exodus 14:31
    • “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 1:7
      • “Where can wisdom be found?” (Job 28:12
      • “God understands its way” (Job 28:23
      • “That is wisdom” (Job 28:28
    • If you are living in fear, it is because you are not living in the fear of God (Romans 8:31.
    • When you exchange your fears for the fear of God, you find out …
      • Half the things causing you fear get better almost immediately.
      • The other half of the things causing you fear don’t matter in the slightest.
      • “I fear no evil, for you are with me.” (Psalms 23:4
  • (I Kings 19:9-10 - Remember you are not alone.
    • You are surrounded by a spiritual family that loves you.
      • Each part serves each other part for the good of the whole. (Ephesians 4:16
    • You are surrounded by a spiritual army that fights for you.
      • May God open our eyes that we may see His army! (II Kings 6:17

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