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  • Acts 13:48
  • Text: What does Acts 13:48 say?
    • Acts 16 show that belief comes first.
  • What does “appointed” (“ordained”) mean?
    • Greek: tasso
      • To arrange in an orderly manner; to set aside for a special purpose.
      • Acts 15:2
  • Context: What do the surrounding verses say?
  • Harmony: What does the rest of the Bible say?
    • God is impartial. Romans 2:5-11
    • God wants all to come to repentance. II Peter 3:9
    • God warns about the devil. I Peter 5:8
    • Salvation depends upon man’s obedience. Matthew 7:21
  • Conclusion: The meaning of Acts 13:48

For further study, see also:

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  • What was Holy Spirit baptism?
    • It was not an invitation to salvation.
    • Was it power from God?
      • Yes. It is what gave them power to reveal and confirm divine truth on earth.
  • What was the purpose of Holy Spirit baptism?
    • Not to save anyone.
    • Not to show that a group of people was acceptable to God.
    • To give the apostles power to reveal and confirm truth.
  • What were the results of Holy Spirit baptism?
    • Revelation and confirmation of truth.
  • Who received Holy Spirit baptism?
    • Matthew 3:11
    • It was promised to the apostles and they received it.
  • Was Paul baptized in the Holy Spirit?
    • II Corinthians 12:12 - Paul claimed he had the power of an apostle.
  • The case of Cornelius
    • Acts 10-11
    • He did receive a spiritual gift. This is not the same as Holy Spirit baptism.
  • The only baptism in force today is baptism in water for remission of sins through Jesus Christ.
  • John 14:26

For further study, see also:

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  • Approaches to Bible study, continued:
    • Textual study
    • Workbook study
    • Word study
    • Topical study
    • Chronological study
  • Nothing besides the Bible is absolutely necessary to study the Bible.
    • Some tools that can be useful:
      • Concordance
      • Lexicon
      • Dictionaries
      • Other translations
      • History and geography books
    • All of these tools can be dangerous, especially commentaries. We must always check against the scriptures!
  • We must make time to study God’s Word while we can and redeem out time. Ecclesiastes 12:1-7
  • Reading, meditating, and studying God’s Word is important so that we can:
    • Know what it says.
    • Understand what it means.
    • Apply it to our lives.
  • Our thoughts, habits, and dispositions
    • Our thoughts make us:
      • Proverbs 23:7
      • Matthew 15:18-20
      • Galatians 6:7
      • II Corinthians 10:3-5

For further study, see also:

Questions or comments? Join our Discord server for further study.

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