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  • I Corinthians 14:15 - Paul is saying we should pray with the right mindset and to be understood.
  • The mission of the Holy Spirit (John 14-16
    • The Holy Spirit is described as a Helper and as the Spirit of truth.
    • The Holy Spirit was to have a similar role to Jesus (John 14:16 in revealing divine truth. He is also deity just like Jesus.
    • The Holy Spirit would testify of Christ which implies intelligible communication (John 15:26-27. The Holy Spirit always communicates intelligibly and cannot contradict Himself.
    • The Holy Spirit convicts the world of error and sin by showing them the truth.
    • The Holy Spirit would continue the teachings of Christ and remind the apostlesof Christ’s teachings (John 16:14.
    • Specific missions of the Holy Spirit:
      • Teach all things (John 14:26
      • Bring to rememberance all that Christ has said (John 14:26
      • Convict the world (John 16:8
      • Guide them into all truth (John 16:13
      • Reveal things to come (John 16:13
      • To bear witness and testify of Christ (John 15:26
    • The Holy Spirit is not the Word of God, but His mission was to reveal the Word.
    • John 7:39 - The Holy Spirit had not yet come to guide the apostles here, but He did work throughout the Old and New Testament.

For further study, see also:

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  • Our study of God’s word
    • Reading God’s word
      • I Timothy 4:13-15
      • Nehemiah 8:1-9 - Ezra reads the law in public to the Israelites.
    • Meditating on God’s word
      • Psalm 10
    • Studying God’s word
      • I Peter 3:15
      • We must be careful to always study the word of God directly and not be lead astray by the writings of men.

For further study, see also:

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  • Passages that people have assumed are speaking about benevolent work of the church:
    • Matthew 5:44-47
      • This is talking about the work of individuals, not a local church.
    • Luke 10:30-35
      • This is a single man taking compassion on another. This is not talking about a local church. It is talking about an obligation that each man has to other men as children of Adam.
    • Galatians 6:1-10
      • Two different words for burden are used in the Greek. The passage is saying that each person must take care of his own responsibilities. If he has more than he can bear (an overload - the second Greek word for burden), others should step in and help.
      • This is talking about individuals - not local churches. The passage does not make sense if you replace “we” and “us” with “local churches”.
      • Also, this passage is speaking about spiritual things, not physical needs.
    • James 1:19-27
      • Again, this is specifically directed at individuals.

For further study, see also:

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  • Arguments and questions:
    • Harps are used in heaven (Revelation 5:8
      • You can’t prove that these are literal harps.
      • Why stop with the harps?
      • If these passages are indeed describing the worship of God with harps in Heaven, the fact remains that the nature and objects of Heaven don’t regulate the worship of the New Testament church.
      • Why didn’t the apostles teach New Testament Christians to worship with harps?
    • We should use our God-given talents to worship Him.
      • What passage teaches us this?
      • Where does it stop?
      • God wants us to follow His instructions in worship (John 4:24.
    • The Bible doesn’t say not to.
      • The silence of the Scripture does not give authority (Colossians 3:17.
      • Would we treat our family the same way?
      • Take it to the absurd.
    • The Bible doesn’t say “sing ONLY”.
      • That’s right (Numbers 10:10
      • II Chronicles 29:25-28 - Instrumental music was commanded in the Old Testament.
      • We follow the New Covenant, not the Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:7-8.
  • The argument that can’t be made:
    • No one can argue that we should use instruments because they are authorized as acceptable worship in the New Testament.

For further study, see also:

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  • The Greek word for spirit is pneuma: breath, breeze, a spirit, the spirit of God, or mind.
  • When the word spirit is capitalized in modern translations, it is a decision of the translators and is nota reliable indication that it is talking about the Holy Spirit.
  • Romans 8:15
    • The first use of spirit in this verse referes to a disposition. The second use must also be a disposition in order to make the comparison between slaves and children work.
  • Philippians 2:1
    • There is no definite article before spirit in the Greek, which indicates that this is talking about a mindset of fellowship, not the Holy Spirit.

For further study, see also:

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