• What fig leaf religion is:
    • Genesis 2:16-17
    • A religion that attempts to cover shame
    • A religion that is insufficient in content and outcome
  • Fig leaf religions
    • Calvin’s TULIP is fig leaf religion
      • T otal hereditary depravity - a shame in accusation that God created man evil (James 1:13-14)
      • U nconditional election - a shame in saying that God is a respecter of persons (I Timothy 2:4)
      • L imited atonement - a shame in saying the blood of Christ was not offered for all (Hebrews 7:25)
      • I rresistible grace - a shame that God would overcome the will of man that He gave man (Titus 2:11-12)
      • P ersistence of the saints - a shame in saying that God is weak (II Peter 2:9)
    • Faith only is a fig leaf religion
    • Praying through is fig leaf religion
      • Praying through nullifies obedience (Acts 8:35-37)
      • Praying through omits God’s will (Acts 9-10)
      • Praying through discounts the blood-bought relationship offered to believers (I Peter 3:12)
  • Some of our brethren are practicing fig leaf religion.
    • A greater, grander work
    • A religion to please people
    • The method of understanding scripture is outdated
  • Do we practice fig leaf religion?
  • Conclusion
  • What religion are we practicing?