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  • All obligations grow out of relationships.
  • The church’s obligation to widows
    • The church is to be charged only if no family is available to care for her.
  • Elders who rule well are to be honored.
  • I Timothy 5:18 - Elders can be supported by the church if necessary.
  • I Timothy 5:19-22, the elder can be removed from service.
    • We are not to be partial toward elders.
  • I Timothy 5:22

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  • “Walk” defined
    • [Peripateo] - physically in the gospels except for Mark 7:5
    • Figuratively, signifying the whole round of activities of life
  • Ephesians 2:2
    • The condition of those outside of Christ based on their “walk”
      • Ephesians 2:1 - dead
      • Ephesians 2:3 - fulfilling own desire
      • I John 2:16
    • To “walk” as others showsa self-determination
      • Proverbs 16:25 - There’s a way that seems right.
      • Judges 17:6 - We are not to make our own decisions.
      • Matthew 15:9 - Not following doctrines of men.
      • Is our “walk” in accordance with God’s will, or our self-imposed righteousness?
      • Are you “walking” in hopelessness?
  • Ephesians 2:10
    • The condition of those who have made a change in their “walk” unto that ordained, and worthy.
      • Ephesians 2:8-9 - God’s grace recognized, and their own lack of power recognized.
      • II Corinthians 5:17 - Have become a new creation in Christ
      • Philippians 3:14 - And as Paul, have a new focus
      • I John 4:5 - Not as the world, but called out of the world.
      • Is your “walk” one that looks like the world, or is it distinct?
        • Galatians 5:19-23 - Works of the flesh vs. works of the spirit
      • Are we worthy to be called a Christian?
  • Ephesians 5:2
    • The “walk” above the baseness of life, as children of light
      • Romans 12:1-2 - As Christ gave, we are to give - our time, resources, and love.
      • Galatians 2:20 - Christ lives in the actions of His children
      • Colossians 1:27 - They show forth the hope of glory
      • Matthew 13:10-17 - They have the light - God’s word
      • Do we show forth our light?
  • Ephesians 5:15-16
    • We are to walk circumspectly - [akribos] - accurately
      • Colossians 3:17 - In accordance with God’s will
      • II Timothy 2:15 - Handling aright the word
      • Colossians 3:5-10 - Making proper application in life
    • We are to walk in wisdom, not as fools - [asophos] - unwise
      • I Peter 3:15 - Making preparation for the now
      • II Peter 3:10-14 - Making preparation for the future
  • How is your “walk”?
    • Each day leads us closer to eternity.
    • Each day places us closer or further from God.
    • Each day we make a decision.
    • What “walk” will you take?

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  • Jesus the Christ (anointed) of prophecy
    • Definition of anoint: Daniel 10:1
      • Second definition: chrio
        • More limited in use - Acts 10:38
        • Used of Christ and of kings and priests
  • Jesus the Christ (anointed) of fact
    • It was testified that He was anointed - Acts 4:27
    • The questions are:
      • In what way did God anoint Jesus with the Holy Spirit?
      • What effect did this have on Jesus?
  • Remember the definition: I Samuel 9:15-16
  • The anointing of Jesus as Son
    • Fact: Jesus is the son of God - Luke 1:26-35
      • Mary knew this because she was told - Luke 1:28-35
      • How did others come to know that Jesus was the Son of God?
    • Matthew 3:13-17 - Jesus is baptized by John
      • John recognized purity - Matthew 3:13-14
      • Jesus said that they must fulfill all righteousness - Matthew 3:15
    • The Father of heaven breaks silence, and announces to all.
    • When Jesus did this, heaven’s silence could not be constrained.
  • The anointing of Jesus as lawgiver and prophet.
    • Fact: Jesus is the great lawgiver and prophet - Deuteronomy 18:18-19
    • Matthew 17:1-5 - Jesus is transfigured
      • His appearance was changed, showing His anointing.
      • Moses and Elijah were with Him.
      • Present at this time was the lawgiver of God’s law, Moses. Exodus 20
      • Also present, the prophet who fought against evil, Elijah - I Kings 18:21-f
      • But the greatest of all was with them
      • Peter speaks
    • God breaks His silence once again.
      • Jesus received nothing more than what He already was.
      • God’s statement shows the authority in Christ.
    • When Jesus did this, God’s silence would not be contained.
  • The anointing of Jesus as the King
    • Fact: Jesus is King - Jeremiah 23:5-6
    • John 12:12-32 - Jesus enters Jerusalem as King
      • Jesus is worshipped as King - John 12:12-13
      • This was done in fulfillment of prophecy - John 12:14-16
      • Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection.
      • Jesus calls upon God to glorify His name. Heaven’s silence is broken again. John 12:38
      • Jesus reveals this wasn’t done for Him.
      • Jesus was anointed for what He already was.
  • Jesus is the anointed of God
    • Though men may say Jesus was just a man:
      • God confirmed He was more on three occasions.
      • Jesus confirmed it Himself. John 8:24
    • Though men may say He was without power:
      • God confirmed authority is in Him.
      • Jesus confirmed it Himself. Matthew 11:27

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  • II Samuel 11 - David’s sin
  • II Samuel 12 - Nathan confronts David
  • This lesson is not about the sinner or the sinner’s reaction.
  • Nathan’s duty and desire
    • Nathan had to confront the king of Israel.
      • God is not a respecter of persons. Acts 10:34
    • Nathan confronted one that needed the truth.
      • As Paul confronted Agrippa - Acts 26:27
    • Know this: Nathan is not the only one sent to speak truth.
      • Some would say, “I’m not sticking my nose in their business” - I Thessalonians 4:11
      • But this is a misapplication of the text - Note Ezekiel 33:7-9
  • Our Nathan-like duty and desire
    • Love one another - I Peter 1:22, in what way?
      • The prodigal’s father showed great love - Luke 15:11-32
    • Consider one another - Hebrews 10:24
      • “Take careful note of each other’s spiritual welfare. It denotes attentive, continuous care.” - Vincent
    • Provoke unto love and to good works - Hebrews 10:24
      • “With a view to incitement, to stimulate…” - Vincent
    • Warn the unruly - I Thessalonians 5:14
      • Comfort the feebleminded (“fainthearted … those of little heart” - Vincent)
      • Support the weak (“sustain the weak” - Vincent)
      • Be patient to all - Galatians 6:1-10
      • But - we are not to partake in their sins by allowance - I Timothy 5:22
    • Mark the unruly - Romans 16:17
      • Mark the faithful - Philippians 3:17
  • Conclusion
    • Everyone needs a Nathan
      • Paul was a Nathan to Peter - Galatians 2:11-f
    • Are you a Nathan?

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