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  • I Timothy 4:8 - Godliness is profitable now and in the future.
  • A mess
    • II Samuel 11:2-15 - the mess created by David’s sin with Bathsheba
    • Hebrews 12:15-17 - Esau lost his blessing and birthright.
  • A guilty conscience
    • Genesis 42:21-22 - the guilt of Joseph’s brothers after selling him into slavery
    • Matthew 27:3-5 - the guilt of Judas after betraying Jesus
    • Acts 24:16 - Paul tried to avoid guilt the rest of his life.
  • A ruined conscience
    • I timothy 4:2 - We are born with pure hearts, but it is possible to ruin our consciences with sin.
    • Ephesians 4:17-19 - Sin hardens our heart.
  • Bad habits
    • Acts 8:9-24 - Even after being converted, Simon is tempted by the power of the apostles’ spiritual gifts.
    • Hebrews 10:25 - Skipping the assembly can become a habit.
  • Effect on others
    • Galatians 2:11-13 - Peter carried others away in his hypocrisy.

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  • I Timothy 6:1 - Perform an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.
  • I Timothy 6:2 are to be honorable in their dealings with each other.
  • I Timothy 6:5 - Be careful of those who consider earthly gain to be godliness or that thing being godly is a way to physical gain.
  • I Timothy 6:7 and Job’s response when his wife tells him to curse God and die.
  • I Timothy 6:8
  • I Timothy 6:1.

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  • Mark 2:25-26
    • I Samuel 21:1-6
    • Explanation 1: David sinned, and Jesus is exposing the inconsistency of the Pharisees for approving David but condemning Him.
    • Explanation 2: David was innocent, and is a case in point that God’s laws should not be applied beyond what God intended.
    • Either way, Jesus was pointing out the inconsistency of the Pharisees.
  • Mark 3:1-5 - Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath. Jesus is grieved and angered by the hardness of heart of the Pharisees.
  • Mark 3:13-19 - Jesus selects the 12 apostles.
  • Mark 3:22-29 - The scribes accuse Jesus of using the power of Satan to cast out demons.
  • Mark 3:28-29 - Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

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  • All have sinned. Romans 3:10-12
    • This leaves us with four possibilities:
      • No escape - not compatible witht he love of God
      • Saved in sin - not compatible with the justice of God
      • Lived so righteously that merits forgiveness - not possible
      • God imputes righteousness - Romans 4:6-8
  • This has two possibilities:
    • God imputes righteousness without respect to what one does.
    • God imputes righteousness with respect to what one does.
  • This leaves two possibilities:
    • Man lives so good that God counts him righteous because he has merited forgiveness.
    • Because of man’s faith in Christ, God forgives him, i.e. imputes righteousness, to him. Romans 4:6-8
  • This has two possibilities:
    • God counts man righteous even though he is not truly righteous.
    • God counts man righteous because God imputes righteousness unto him, forgives him, does not impute sin unto him.
  • This leaves us one possibility:
    • Man is not saved by his own righteousness, but by the mercy of God.
  • Imputed righteousness does not mean that Christ’s personal righteousness is accounted as mine. It does mean that my unrighteousness has been seen and forgiven, as made possible by the sinless life and death of Christ and by my complete trust and reliance upon Him!
  • Thus, God’s amazing grace is seen:
    • In giving the gospel
    • In His continued forgiveness to those who walk in the light (I John 1:7
  • If we walk in the steps of that faith of Abraham, God will not impute sin unto us; rather He will forgive us - impute righteousness unto us. And being forgiven, we will be righteous by the grace of God.

For further study, see also:

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  • Defining “undeserved” love
    • I Corinthians 13:4-8
    • I John 3:16
    • Romans 5:8 - God sent Jesus to die for us even though He had no reason to love us.
  • Practicing undeserved love yourself
    • Ephesians 5:25-27 - Jesus is the example of the kind of love husbands should show.
    • It’s not about what’s fair! It’s about what’s loving.
    • I Thessalonians 5:15 - Don’t repay evil for evil.
    • Matthew 7:12 - the “golden rule”
  • The effect of undeserved love on your spouse.
    • I Peter 3:1-2
    • Control the half of your marriage that you can control.

For further study, see also:

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