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  • The gospel is for all personalities
    • Driver: Peter - Matthew 16:16
    • Analytical: Paul - Romans 6:15-18; 7:15-f
    • Expressive: Jude - Jude 11-18
    • Amiable
      • John - I John 2:10
      • Philip - Acts 8:30
  • The wisdom of man goes too far
    • Man says truth is not absolute.
      • Truth is based on each individual’s perspective. What may be truth for one is not for another. I Samuel 15:15-28
      • Pilate held to this wisdom. John 18:38
    • There is absolute truth. John 8:32
    • There is a reason that truth is absolute.
      • Jeremiah 10:23
  • The truth concerning salvation
    • Faith is a must. It is the truth from God. Romans 1:16-17
    • Repentance is required. It is the truth from God. Luke 13:1-5
    • Confession must be made. It is the truth from God. Romans 10:9-10
    • Baptism is not an option. It is the truth from God. Acts 2:38
    • The truth: you can’t be saved without it!
  • The truth converning living our lives as a Christian
    • Some have come to the point that organizational relationship places one in Christ.
      • II Timothy 2:15
      • The church saves no one. Acts 2:47
      • Family lineage saves no one. Ezekiel 18:20
      • Having our names in the directory does not place us in Christ. Hebrews 12:23
    • The child of God is in Christ by truth. Colossians 1:21-23
  • Conclusion
    • The gospel is for all. I John 4:4
    • The gospel can save all. I Timothy 2:4

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  • What we know or appreciate is based on our experience.
    • We can have an understanding of an action or place without being present.
      • I have never performed surgery, but I have an understanding of the process.
      • I have never seen Paris, France, but I have seen pictures and know people that have been there.
  • Man’s experience cannot tell him of the spiritual.
    • Note Paul’s experience - II Corinthians 12:1-5
      • v2,4 - He speaks of his location as: in the “third heaven”, “paradise” - Luke 23:43
      • v4 - He heard “unspeakable” words
  • Heaven is described to us based on human experience.
    • Revelation 21:10-22
    • We can have some appreciation.
  • Hell is described to us based on human experience.
    • Mark 9:44 - Worm dieth not
    • Matthew 8:12 - Outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth
    • Revelation 20:6 - Second death
    • Revelation 20:10 - Lake of fire and brimstone, tormented day and night
  • God’s love is described to us based on human expressions.
    • Ephesians 3:14-20
      • v18 - The breadth, length, depth, and height (full measure of God’s love)
      • v19 - The love that passeth knowledge (beyond man’s capabilities)
      • v20 - “exceeding abundantly above” - Paul still could not fully express the idea
    • We can have some appreciation.
  • The glory of a relationship with God is described based on human experience.
    • Colossians 1:12 - Partakers of the inheritance
    • Colossians 1:21-23 - Holy, unblameable, unreproveable
    • Romans 8:14-18 - Sons, children, heirs, joint-heirs
    • Romans 8:29-30 - Called, justified, glorified
    • Ephesians 1:6 - Accepted in the blood
    • We can have some appreciation
  • Where do we look for answers?
    • Do we look to God or man for spiritual answers? (I Corinthians 2:12-16
      • v12 - Man doesn’t know the spiritual.
  • Conclusion
    • Fast: the love of God cannot be fully appreciated while in the flesh (John 3:16
    • Fact: our relationship with God cannot be fully appreciated while in the flesh (Hebrews 12:6-11
    • Fact: the glory of heaven cannot be fully appreciated while in the flesh (Matthew 25:34
    • Fact: the damnation of hell cannot be fully appreciated while in the flesh (Luke 16:23-26
    • The only way to have a full appreciation is to be there.
    • Where will you be to fully know?

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  • What fig leaf religion is:
    • Genesis 2:16-17
    • A religion that attempts to cover shame
    • A religion that is insufficient in content and outcome
  • Fig leaf religions
    • Calvin’s TULIP is fig leaf religion
      • Total hereditary depravity - a shame in accusation that God created man evil (James 1:13-14
      • Unconditional election - a shame in saying that God is a respecter of persons (I Timothy 2:4
      • Limited atonement - a shame in saying the blood of Christ was not offered for all (Hebrews 7:25
      • Irresistible grace - a shame that God would overcome the will of man that He gave man (Titus 2:11-12
      • Persistence of the saints - a shame in saying that God is weak (II Peter 2:9
    • Faith only is a fig leaf religion
      • Faith only takes away obedience (I John 2:3-5
      • Faith only takes away discipleship (Luke 14:26-27
      • Faith only takes away true faith (James 2:19
    • Praying through is fig leaf religion
      • Praying through nullifies obedience (Acts 8:35-37
      • Praying through omits God’s will (Acts 9-10
      • Praying through discounts the blood-bought relationship offered to believers (I Peter 3:12
  • Some of our brethren are practicing fig leaf religion.
    • A greater, grander work
      • A world-wide effort (Matthew 7:21-23
    • A religion to please people
      • “Preach the man, not the plan” (III John 9
    • The method of understanding scripture is outdated
      • Purpose, principle, precedent (I John 4:4-6
  • Do we practice fig leaf religion?
    • Do we put our wants ahead of God?
      • No time for study, too busy (I Peter 3:15
      • No time for worship, too much to do (Matthew 3:13-15
      • No time for visiting, I miss “my life” (Isaiah 28:9-10
      • No time for mentioning Jesus to others (Isaiah 28:16-17
  • Conclusion
    • There certainly is shame to cover (Acts 2:36-37
    • That shame can only be covered by God (Romans 2:4-11
  • What religion are we practicing?

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  • What was the “fault” in the Mosaical law?
    • Romans 7:10-12
    • Hebrews 10:4 - The old law was not intended for eternal salvation.
    • Exodus 19:5-6
  • Hebrews 8:8 - “finding fault with them” refers to the Israelites, who failed in keeping the law.
    • Hebrews 4:2
  • Hebrews 8:8-9 - The promise of something to come was referring to the New Covenant.
  • Hebrews 8:9 - God does not “regard” those who do not obey Him.
  • Hebrews 8:10
    • The new covenant would take effect after the old covenant was put away.
    • Exodus 34:1 - The old law was written on stone tablets. The new law is written on the hearts of men.
    • The Jews were God’s chosen people, but they rejected Him by not doing His will. (They were chosen in the sense that Christ would come through them.)
      • Deuteronomy 11:18-20
  • Hebrews 8:11 - In the old covenant, people entered into the covenant at circumcision. In the new covenant, knowledge is required before one can enter the covenant.
  • Hebrews 8:12 - Under the old covenant, the sins of the people were brougth to rememberance once a year and forgiven for a year at the scapegoat ceremony. Christ’s blood is the only thing that can truly forgive sins.

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