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  • What is the difference between respect and honor?
  • Honor = value
  • Respect is a manifestation of honor.
  • Who should we honor/value?
    • The Father and the Son - John 5:23
    • Elders - I Timothy 5:17
    • Widows who are truly widos - I Timothy 5:3
    • Parents - Ephesians 6:2
    • All people - I Peter 2:17
    • Prefer one another - Romans 12:10
    • Romans 12:3
  • Ways to show honor
    • Listen
      • Rehoboam - I Kings 12
      • Galatians 1:8-9
    • Give our time
      • Elisha - I Kings 19
    • Go out of our way
      • Naomi and Ruth
      • David
  • Showing honor in disagreement
    • Husband and wife
    • Teacher and student
    • Brother to brother
    • Honor = value
    • Confidence that we all want to find the truth
      • II Corinthians 8:22

For further study, see also:

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  • Is dancing sinful?
    • Exodus 15:20
  • What would making dancing wrong?
    • I John 2:15
    • Lust of the eyes
      • Matthew 5:27-28
      • We must be careful to train our conscience correctly.
    • Lust of the flesh
      • Galatians 5:19-21 - v19: lewdness, sensuality
      • Ephesians 5:5
  • Arguments for dancing:
    • “There’s no verse that says you can’t dance.”
    • “It’s no worse than what one could find on TV.”
    • “Some dances involve little or no touching between the partners.”
    • “For me, it doesn’t lead to fornication.”
      • Matthew 5:27-28
    • “I can control myself. I don’t even lust.”
      • Luke 17:1-2
    • “It’s good exercise.”
    • “It’s better than the alternative. At least at a dance there are chaperones.”
    • “If I don’t go to ______, I’ll miss out on the opportunity to build rapport with my coworkers, discuss business, close a sale, etc.”
    • “It’s a tradition.”
    • “What’s the big deal? Why do preachers pick on dancing?”

For further study, see also:

Questions or comments? Join our Discord server for further study.

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  • The setting
    • I Kings 16:29-33
  • Drought and hiding out
    • I Kings 17:1-9 - Drought was a direct attack against the supposed powers of Baal.
  • Called a troubler and the misplacement of blame
    • I Kings 18:1-2
  • Mount Carmel and being sincerely wrong
    • I Kings 18:19-40
  • Hard times and getting discouraged
    • I Kings 18:41-46

For further study, see also:

Questions or comments? Join our Discord server for further study.

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