- Judges 2:7
- “There arose another generation” (Judges 2:10
- They didn’t teach their kids!
- They took for granted that their children would just grow up to be good Jews.
- Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - We must deliberately teach our children.
- I Samuel 2:12 - Eli’s sons did not know the Lord even though they were priests!
- They didn’t teach their kids!
- “You shall tear down their altars” (Judges 2:2
- They didn’t purify their lives!
- Joshua 23:6-13 - Joshua warned of the dangers of failing to purge the land of ungodliness.
- Judges 2:1-3 - The idolatry in the land became a snare to them.
- Mark 4:18-19
- They didn’t purify their lives!
- That they “might be taught war” (Judges 3:2
- They didn’t fight for the Lord!
- Joshua 23:10 - God tested the Israelites so they would learn to fight for God.
- Judges 3:5-8 - Israel failed the test and lived among the people of the land.
- II Corinthians 10:3-6 - We must be ready to fight for God!
- They didn’t fight for the Lord!
July 10, 2011
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