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  • Titus 2:3-5

  • Reverent in their behavior

  • I Peter 3:3-4

  • Not malicious gossips

  • Not enslaved to much wine

  • This does not imply that having a little wine is okay.

  • Teaching what is good.

  • Encourage the young women.

  • To love their husbands and children

  • I Kings 21:7

  • To be sensible

  • To be pure

  • To be workers at home

  • To be kind

  • To be subject to their own husbands

  • So that the word of God will not be dishonored.

  • I Timothy 6:1

  • Psalms 71:18

For further study, see also:

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  • Mark 9:1 - The kingdom of God was imminent.

  • Colossians 1:13

  • The metaphor kingdom never refers to a local church.

  • First, it refers to the rules of the king. (Luke 17:21

  • Then, it refers to the citizenry. (Colossians 1:13

  • Also, it sometimes refers to heaven. (Matthew 13:43

  • Facts about the kingdom

  • John, Jesus, the apostles, and the seventy taught that it was at hand (Matthew 3:3

  • Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 4:23

  • Some contemporary with Jesus would see it (Mark 9:1

  • After Acts 2

  • It is spiritual, not earthly (John 18:36

  • It is everlasting, not temporary (Luke 1:33

  • Preachers are to preach it (Acts 8:12

  • It is not a democracy - the citizens do not make the laws.

  • It is not a mobarchy - not run by a few strong arms.

  • It is not an aristocracy - not run by an aristocratic few.

  • It is a monarchical republic - has a King and a Constitution.

  • Christ is King with all authority (John 18:37

  • Its Constitution revealed through the apostles (Matthew 18:18

  • Its Constitution is complete and perfect (II Peter 1:3

  • The citizens position is one of subjection, not legislating.

  • Christ must be honored (Matthew 17:5

  • Essentials of citizenship

  • Enter by new birth (John 3:3-5

  • Continue by doing His will (Matthew 7:21

  • Must seek first (Matthew 6:33

  • Greatness therein determined by service

  • Judgment picture

  • Honor the King and His Constitution (Matthew 25:24

  • Reject the King and His Constitution (II Thessalonians 1:7-9

For further study, see also:

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  • James is the writer, but God is the author of the book. We do not know for sure which James is the writer.
  • James 1:1 - There are differing views on exactly who this book is written to. It could have een written to either Jews or Jews and Gentiles. This book contains general instruction for everyday life as a Christian.
  • James 1:15 - When one is tempted and decides to sin, he has sinned even if circumstances prevent him from carrying out his intention.
  • James 1:17 - God will consistently bless those who do His will just as He punishes those who sin against Him.

For further study, see also:

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