- Conclusion
- That Bible authority is derived by statement of fact, command, example, and necessary inference is not a church of Christ formula, not even a religious formula. These are the ONLY ways that one in authority can make his wishes known to one who is under authority in ANY relationship
- In family
- In business
- In government
- In school
- Ad infinitum
- That Bible authority is derived by statement of fact, command, example, and necessary inference is not a church of Christ formula, not even a religious formula. These are the ONLY ways that one in authority can make his wishes known to one who is under authority in ANY relationship
- Authority, how to establish:
- Introduction
- A local church must have Bible authority for all it teaches and practices. The question is not “how long have we been doing it?,” or “does it seem right?,” or “do we think good will come of it?,” but DOES GOD AUTHORIZE IT? A thing must be authorized in the gospel or God’s people must leave it out (II John 1:9.
- Two extremes as to how Bible authority is established:
- A thing must be specifically commanded.
- A thing has to be specifically forbidden.
- It is a sin to bind where God has loosed and it is a sin to loose where God has bound:
- Pharisees bound washing of hands (Matthew 15:1-2
- They loosed “honor father and mother” (Matthew 15:3-4
- God said it made their worship vain (Matthew 15:8-9
- Christ has all authority (Matthew 18:8
- He gave binding and loosing authority to the apostles (Matthew 18:18
- The question is: “Is it from heaven or man?” (Luke 20:2-4
- How then is Bible authority established?
- A thing is authorized by:
- Command: Lord’s Supper (I Corinthians 11:25
- Example: First day (Acts 20:7
- Necessary inference: How often (Acts 20:7
- There is generic and specific authority:
- Command: Build ark
- Generic: Wood
- Specific: Gopher wood
- Command: Praise
- Generic: Music
- Specific: Sing
- Command: Build ark
- Things that help expedite the command without adding another coordinate element are authorized:
- Command: Water of cleansing (Numbers 19
- Generic: Heifer
- Specific: Red heifer
- Expedient: Breed, age
- Command: Praise (Hebrews 13:15
- Generic: Music (Colossians 3:16
- Specific: Vocal
- Expedient: Alto, tenor, bass, soprano
- Command: Preach gospel collectively (I Corinthians 9:1-14
- Generic: The saved
- Specific: Local church
- How large, number of elders
- NOTE: For a thing to be expedient, it must be lawful. To observe the Supper on the first day of the week is lawful, any hour of that day is expedient. But observe it one hour before or one hour after the first day and it would not be lawful; thus, not expedient.
- Command: Water of cleansing (Numbers 19
- Introduction
March 06, 2013
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