Matthew 17
- Matthew 17:1 – Luke gives the time here as eight days (Luke 8:28), which skeptics count as a contradiction. However, the two authors just count days differently (exclusively vs. inclusively). To Jews, a partial day was counted as a whole day. Note here that Jesus had to exert some effort and go quite a way to get away from the crowds.
- Matthew 17:2-9 – Jesus is transfigured. See also II Peter 1:16-18; Luke 9:28-36. Other accounts tell us that Peter, James, and John fell asleep while Moses and Elijah were speaking with Jesus. Peter seemed to think of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah as equals. For a Jew, this was a great compliment, but it was still a complete misunderstanding of the power and authority of Jesus. God quickly corrects Peter’s misunderstanding, indicating that Jesus occupies a much higher place. Afterwards, Jesus comforted Peter. In verse 9, Jesus again references his own resurrection.
- Matthew 17:10-13 – This is a reference to Malachi 4:5-6. Elijah had already come in the sense of John the Baptist. See Luke 1:17.
- Matthew 17:14-20 – Jesus showed compassion on the boy. In verse 17, Jesus was possibly rebuking the meager faith of the disciples. He seemed exasperated about their lack of spiritual progress and lamenting that he didn’t have long with them.