
  • Descriptive?
    • “From Dan to Beersheba”
      • Meaning the entire length of Israel
      • Judges 20:1; I Samuel 3:20; II Samuel 24:2, 15
    • Reference from united kingdom
  • Relevance to northern kingdom?
    • Dan on northern frontier
    • Bethel on southern frontier
    • Same idea
  • Opposites of Dan and Bethel
    • Topographically opposite
    • Geographically opposite
    • Spiritually opposite


  • First excavated in 1927
  • Continuous digs to 1960
  • One find posited to be Abram’s altar
  • Canaanite tombs, houses, olive presses
  • Canaanite temple
  • Fortified around 1750 BC – Luz
  • City gates were found in pieces
  • Destroyed early 12th century BC
  • New settlement built after destruction
  • Skip to later – captured by Vespasian in 69 AD
  • Crusades
    • Crusaders took it in 12th century AD and built churches there
  • The name means, “House of God”
  • Today it is the village of Beitin
  • First seen in scripture in Genesis 12
  • Lies in the very rocky terrain of Israel’s central ridge
    • Jacob’s vision – Genesis 28:10-22
      • He used a stone as a pillow for his sleep.
      • After the vision, he consecrated the stone – poured oil on its top
      • Named it “God’s House” or Bethel
    • “Mansion over the hilltop”
  • Jacob flees to Bethel – Genesis 34-35
  • Canaanites had a king there
    • Defeated by Joshua and sons of Israel
    • Ceded to Benjamin
  • Border town
    • Between Ephraim and Benjamin
    • Between Israel and Judah after split
  • During conquest, Benjamites failure
    • Didn’t drive out Jebusites
    • House of Joseph went up against Bethel
    • The Lord was with them – Judges 1:21-22
  • Later (Judges 20-21)
    • Bethel center of ops – Israel versus Benjamin
    • Place of council in aftermath
  • Deborah judged Israel (Judges 4:5)
    • From under a palm tree
    • Between Ramah and Bethel
  • Samuel – circuit judge (I Samuel 7:15-17)
    • Four-town circuit
    • Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpah, Ramah
  • Saul’s encounter after being anointed by Samuel


  • Near headwaters of Jordan
  • Occupied more than 6,000 years ago
    • Abandoned about that time
    • Rebuilt 1,000 years later
  • Free-standing mud brick arches
    • Oldest ever found
    • Called Abraham’s gate
  • Conquered by Tuthmosis III in 15th century BC
  • Tel Dan Stele – 9th century BC
    • Stele heralded initial conquest
      • Assyrian Tiglath-Pileser III
      • Included “David King of Israel”
      • Other Historical info confirming scripture
    • Digs confirm idolatrous practices
  • Little mention prior to Jeroboam’s rule
    • Abram defeated forces of Sodom and Gomorrah there
    • Descriptive “north-to-south” statements
    • Center of northern migration of tribe of Dan
  • Danites impatience – spies go north (Judges 18)
    • Find Laish
    • Take small force
    • Seize Levite and the idols of Micha
    • Capture Laish, named it Dan


  • Jeroboam’s concern
    • Life, power – I Kings 12:26-33
    • Made two golden calves
    • Places them in Bethel and Dan
    • Designated a feast
    • Posted priests
    • Made sacrifice
    • Prophecy of Josiah’s reforms – I Kings 13

The abominable calves

  • Major subject of idolatrous worship
  • Multiple regional cultures used calves, bulls
    • Egypt – where Israel spent 400 years
    • Crete – where Philistines frequented
    • Persia – to the east
    • Anatolea – to the north
    • India – farther east

Some lessons

  • Don’t hang our hat on a town’s reputation
  • Don’t compromise faith for life or power
  • Don’t have a “when in Rome” attitude