
  • II Timothy 1:16-18 – Onesiphorus is only mentioned in three verses.
  • III John 1:12 – Demetrius only gets a commendation in one verse, but it’s a good one!

“He often refreshed me.”

  • Contrast II Timothy 1:15 – These men turned away from Paul in Asia.
  • Am I refreshing or am I something else?
  • I Corinthians 16:17-18
  • Philemon 1:4-7, 20-21
  • Proverbs 6:19
  • II Corinthians 12:20
  • Let us be refreshing and give people comfort and hope.

“Was not ashamed of my chains”

  • II Timothy 4:6 – Paul had no expectation of release.
  • Nero blamed the great fire in Rome (AD 64) on Christians and took that opportunity to persecute Christians. History tells us that Paul was executed in the days of Nero. It was certainly not safe to associate with Christians in those days, especially high profile ones like Paul.
  • Romans 1:15-16
  • Onesiphorus was not ashamed!
  • Am I ashamed of Christ, His Word, or His people?
  • Luke 9:26
  • Psalms 119:46
  • I Peter 4:12-19

“He eagerly searched for me and found me … and you know very well what services he rendered at Ephesus.”

  • Do I only help people when it’s convenient?
  • Romans 12:10-13