
  • Mark 9:14-29 – Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit.

“How long has this been happening to him?”

  • Jesus is asking a question He already knows the answer to.
  • Luke 6:6-8
  • John 4:16-18
  • For the benefit of the crowd.
    • John 20:30-31
    • Luke 9:43
  • To show his compassion.
    • John 11:32-39 – Jesus showed compassion for Lazarus.

“If you can do anything”

  • This situation caused the father to evaluate his own faith.
    • Mark 6:1-6
    • Matthew 8:5-10
    • Would Jesus marvel at your faith?
  • How strong is YOUR faith?

“Why could we not cast it out?”

  • Mark 9:28-29
  • Matthew 17:19-20
  • Lack of faith is a common problem … how do we fix it?
    • Luke 17:5
    • Prayer
    • Through God’s word
      • Romans 10:17
  • Things we may lose faith in
    • Faith in God hearing / answering our prayers
      • I John 5:14-15; Matthew 7:7-11
    • Faith in the existence of God
      • Romans 1:18-20; Psalm 19:1-4
    • Faith in God providing for us.
      • Matthew 6:25-34
    • Faith in the forgiveness of sins.
      • Psalms 103:8-13