Questions about marriage, divorce, and remarriage

What should happen in an unlawful marriage?

  • Luke 16:18
  • I Corinthians 6:9
  • They must divorce and repent of their adultery.
  • “But marriage itself is holy. No one should be told to divorce.”
    • Ezra 9-10 – Unlawful marriages were broken up.
    • Mark 6:17-18

Are divorced people still “married in God’s eyes”?

  • I know of no passage that uses or implies that wording or concept. Sometimes we might say that because we’re trying to communicate the fact that God doesn’t approve.
  • Luke 16:18
  • Romans 7:2-3 – This is clearer language: “bound by law,” “joined.”
  • Mark 10:11-12
  • Matthew 19:9

What about marriages and divorces before one was ever a Christian?

  • God’s laws are for everyone, Christians and non-Christians.
  • I Corinthians 6:9-11 – Adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God.
    • “such were some of you” – some of the Corinthians had evidently gotten out of adulterous situations
  • If God’s laws do not apply to non-Christians, why are people told to repent before they are baptized (Acts 2:38)?
  • And why would you even get baptized and become a Christian, if prior to that you have no sin and therefore no need of salvation?

Does forgiveness change the situation?

  • Acts 2:38; 8:22; 26:20
  • If I steal a car …
    • Then I pray for forgiveness …
    • Can I keep the car?
    • No – it is still a sin for me to have it.
  • If I take an unlawful wife …
    • Then I pray for forgiveness …
    • Can I keep the wife?
    • No – it is still a sin for me to have her.

Does I Corinthians 7:15 give another exception to God’s marriage law?

  • “bondage”: “enslaved” (ESV, LSB) or “servitude” (YLT)
  • There is no permission for remarriage here.

Does I Corinthians 7:27-28 give another exception?

  • I Corinthians 7:25-28 – Paul was saying that because of the current situation, it was not a good time to get married.
  • What does “released” mean? It can’t mean, “divorced for any reason” because that would contradict I Corinthians 7:10-11 and many other verses.
  • “Released” may be better translated “free.”

Can the innocent party divorce years after the divorce?

  • A man divorces his wife (not for fornication).
  • Years later, he remarriages.
  • Can the first wife now divorce him for fornication and remarry with God’s approval (Matthew 19:9)?
  • No. You can’t divorce someone you’re not married to.


  • Nothing is GREATER than fellowship with God; nothing lasts LONGER than Heaven.