Review of the text

  • John 6:9-11
  • John 6:22-27
  • Figures of speech in John
    • Physical vs. spiritual
      • John 3:3-7
      • John 4:13-14
      • John 4:31-34
      • John 7:37-38
      • John 8:31-36
      • John 8:38-39, 44
      • John 6:31-35 – Physical bread vs. spiritual bread.
  • John 6:44-46 – In v45, it is those who have heard and learned from God that came to Jesus. It was not a miraculous intervention.
  • John 6:51-58 – Jesus is the living bread from heaven.
    • The phrases about eating His flesh and drinking His blood are about consuming the teaching that Jesus brought to the world.
      • I Corinthians 1:22


Check your motive.

  • John 6:26, 25, 59-63, 66-68

This is not teaching transubstantiation.

  • Matthew 26:26-28
  • This teaching is not in the text. Jesus was still there when He said to eat His flesh.
  • Drinking blood was not permitted under the Law of Moses.
  • This is a figure of speech!

You can learn a lot from reading.