
  • We’ll be studying some things in the Bible that are not discussed as often.
  • We’ll look primarily at the Bible, also pulling in other sources for additional information as necessary.


  • Text: II Kings 5:1-19

What do we know about Naaman?

  • His position? Head gui of Syrian army under the King of Aram (Syria)
    • Not a captain?
    • Translation could mean captain, general, ruler, prince, etc.
    • Context indicates a top military officer.
  • King considered him to be a great man
  • Highly respected
  • God chose to give Aram victory through Naaman (I Kings 22:29-40)
  • Valiant warrior
  • Leper
  • Laws of leprosy (Leviticus 13-14)
    • Lepers were unclean
    • Prophet’s purity?

What can we guess about Naaman?

  • Inspiring leader
  • He and his wife communicated with each other
  • Very good relationship with his king (Hadadezer – generous gifts to take and a letter)
    • Talent of silver: A weight of 75 pounds. Ten talents is work about $654,480 today.
    • Shekel of gold: A weight of about 0.4 ounces. Six thousand shekels would be worth about $5,759,520 today.
  • Believed that Israelite prophets were subject to their king in what they did as prophets.
    • John 11:48
  • His actions scared the king (Jehoram) into thinking he was trying to start a war.
  • Given to ceremony (arrived with chariots and horses, expected ceremony from Elisha)
  • Short temper (furious over Elisha’s failure to reciprocate ceremony and command to wash in the Jordan River)
  • Willing to listen (took correction from his servants)
  • Had loving concern from those who served him (servant girl, other servants)
  • Willing to humble himself (obeyed and dipped in the Jordan seven times)

Some things we can learn

  • God’s favor doesn’t imply faultlessness on our part.
  • Was faith a requirement for Naaman’s healing?
  • Kindness to your servants can pay off, even if you don’t deserve it.
    • Servants took a risk correcting the boss
    • Servant girl may just have remembered Proverbs 24:17; 25:21-22
      • Same principle at work between God and Elisha
      • II Kings 6:21-23 – God’s reward to her?
    • Servant girl was likely a faithful Israelite at a time of great unfaithfulness
      • Jehoram was king at the time.
      • He was an evil king who led Israel to sin.
      • Put away pillar of Baal (where his brother was murdered by his parents)
      • Continued all the rest of his parents’ sins