
  • Jeremiah 35:5-10, 16 – God is having Jeremiah set up a lesson. The Rechabites carried out the legacy of their father. They still followed his commands some 300 years later. How can we leave a legacy like this?


  • Objective-based program
    • What should the children have learned by the time they leave the program?
  • Two-tiered curriculum structure
    • Up to fifth grade: study through the Bible every three years.
    • Sixth grade and up: focus on New Testament and Old Testament wisdom, with topical studies
  • Classes do not change age/grade range

Class overview

  • Class 1 (0-2 years)
    • Become comfortable being in Bible class
    • Hear Bible words, stories, and songs
  • Class 2 (2-3 years)
    • Learn basic Bible class conduct
    • Learn Bible words, short stories, big ideas
  • Class 3 (grades -1 to K)
    • Refine Bible class conduct
    • Learn Bible storie3s and basic lessons
  • Class 4 (grades 1-2)
    • Learn Bible story details and basic application
  • Class 5 (grades 3-4)
    • Longer term recall
  • Class 6 (grade 5-6)
    • Begin self-guiding to answers
  • Class 7 (grades 7-8)
    • Become independent Bible students
    • Build independent faith
  • Class 8 (high school and up)
    • Prepare for independent lives
    • Prepare for adult responsibilities

Curriculum update notes

  • Grades 7-8
    • Two-year cycle
    • Sundays: New Testament narrative
      • Five quarters in the gospels
      • Two quarters in Acts
      • One quarter TBD
    • Wednesdays: Bible study skills, daily living
  • High school
    • Four-year cycle
    • Sundays
      • Old Testament poetry and wisdom literature
      • Chapter a week: Acts – Revelation
    • Wednesdays: Four general topic areas, rotating quarters
      • Q1: The church
      • Q2: Daily living
      • Q3: Evidence
      • Q4: Split classes
  • Classes through sixth grade
    • Bible a wide, firm foundation of knowledge of the scriptures

What can I do as a teacher?

  • Younger grades
    • II Timothy 3:15 – Don’t shy away from memorization and recitation.
  • Middle grades
    • Luke 10:25-28 – Engage the students in the learning process.
  • Older grades
    • Luke 9:2 – Engage students in the teaching process.
  • Make the most of class time.
    • Ephesians 5:16 – Be deliberate
    • I Corinthians 14:26 – Do all things for edification
  • Adjust the curriculum as you feel appropriate for the age/group
  • Don’t teach the book. Teach THE BOOK.
  • Use workbooks as a topical guide.

What can I do as a parent?

  • Take responsibility for your child’s spiritual development
    • Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19
    • Have your children prepared for class.
    • Mark 2:27
    • Study and discuss other scriptures and topics instead of the lesson, if that is the need of the moment.
  • Give feedback to teachers, class deacon, elders
  • Be patient, think long term
    • Student, teachers, and topics change

Reminders and notes

  • Teach!
  • Only man teachers for boys once boys hit 13 years old.
  • Teachers may open the high school class to other students at their discretion.
  • Two-quarter special opportunity
    • Last two quarters of 2024/2025, topic is teacher’s choice.

What is a teacher’s goal?

  • Interest – Acts 13:15-18, 38-44
  • Comprehension – Matthew 13:13, 16
  • Application – Matthew 7:24
  • Retention – Numbers 15:40
  • Encourage – Philippians 1:6-10
  • Matthew 10:25