Why written

  • I John 1:4; 2:1, 7-8, 12-14, 26; 5:13 – John tells us why he was writing. He was writing to combat Gnosticism.

Subject matter

  1. Jesus – The first 14 verses tell you everything you need to known about Jesus and sin.
  2. Sin
  3. False teaching / teachers
  4. What we know.
  5. How we know it.
  6. Love
  7. Action
  8. Conditions: if


  • From the beginning – I John 1:1; 2:13
  • Manifested, historical figure – I John 1:2; 4:2
  • Destroyed works of devil – I John 3:8
  • With the Father – I John 1:2
  • Blood cleanses from sin – I John 1:7; 3:6, 16
  • Propitiation for sin – I John 2:2; 4:10
  • Is righteous – I John 3:7
  • Have spiritual life through – I John 4:9; 5:11
  • Savior of the world – I John 4:14
  • The Son of God – I John 4:15; 5:5
  • Begotten of God – I John 5:1
  • Came by water and blood – I John 5:6
  • Gives us understanding – I John 5:20
  • Is the true God and eternal life – I John 5:20

False teachers and teachingThe basics

  • I John 4:1, 2, 6 – Don’t be naïve and gullible. Study for yourself!
  • Strong language
    • Liars – I John 1:6; 2:4, 22; 4:20
    • Children of the devil – I John 3:10
    • Antichrist – I John 2:18-19, 22; 4:3 – There are many antichrists. Those that deny Christ are antichrists.


  • All are sinners – I John 1:8, 20
  • What it is – I John 3:4; 5:17
  • Two walks – I John 1:6-7
  • How to avoid – I John 3:6, 9; 5:18
  • Provisions for – I John 3:5; 1:7; 2:2; 4:10
  • Consequences of – I John 3:6, 8, 10
  • When we sin – I John 1:9; 2:1