
  • Matthew 25:44-46

If we’re not interested, we’ll never take action.

  • Romans 5:8 – God took the initiative to provide a means for our salvation because He loves us.
  • Acts 17:15-17 – Paul took the initiative because he cared for them.
  • Ezra 9:1-4 – Ezra took the initiative because he cared.
  • If I’m not taking the initiative, it might be because I don’t care enough.
  • I Samuel 17:3, 10, 16, 26 – David took initiative in fighting Goliath.
  • “Indifference … is the epitome of evil.”

Rally others to the cause when possible.

  • Nehemiah 1:1-4; 2:5, 15-18; 4:4-6, 14-17; 6:15 – Nehemiah rallied the people to rebuild the wall.

But even if we’re alone, take action!

  • Luke 10:27-36 – Go and be a good neighbor!
  • James 4:17