For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

We are not speaking of God’s love for man as He made him, but His love for man after sin entered his heart to corrupt and destroy him. In six days, God made heaven and earth and saw that it was good (Genesis 1). Of all creation, man was His crowning glory (Psalms 8:4-8). Satan entered and sin blotched God’s perfect work. If an artist painted a masterpiece and another came along and blotched the painting, consider how that artist would feel. What could he do but destroy the ruined work and start over? But not so with God. He loved His work too much for that. He gave His plan whereby His work could be restored to its original beauty (Genesis 3:15). The restored work became His masterpiece. “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) God made man perfect, but Satan blotched His work. Thus, we see the terrible state of man, both Jew (Romans 2:1) and Gentile (Romans 1:22-32). In restoring His work rather than destroying it and starting over, we see God’s love for fallen man.

The longsuffering of God shows his love for fallen man

His longsuffering is seen in His promise to Adam and Eve after their fall (Genesis 3:15). It is seen in His delivery of Lot from Sodom (Genesis 19). It is seen in His treatment of Jews. They would sin. He would punish them. They would repent and return to God. God would deliver them. Then the process would be repeated time after time. This is vividly seen in the book of Judges. This has been the history of God‘s people in all the past. His people have not been able to stand prosperity. Let this be a great warning to us. Man sins. Yet, when he turns to God, He forgives. In this is seen His great love for man.

God’s love for fallen man is seen in the provisions He has made for man’s salvation

All men sin. (Romans 3:23) Man cannot save himself. Without God’s longsuffering, he is eternally doomed to hell. God loved man enough that He sent Jesus to be a blood sacrifice that was sufficient to forgive sin. When we you view Jesus’ death on the cross, you will get a pretty good picture of God’s great love. H. Leo Boles said: “The death of Christ was born of the womb of the love of God.”

The relation to which He has called the saved shows His great Love. The saved are sons of God (Galatians 3:27). The saved are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). The saved are united as one with other saved. (John 17:21)

The hope with which He has endowed up shows His great love

We have the hope of eternal life in His presence and the glory of His power. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) We have the hope of eternal separation from all evil. We have the hope of no suffering in hell. What great hope! And it is all provided by God’s great love for fallen man.

Now man can be part of the Master’s restored masterpiece. But man can only be benefited by the love of God as he accepts and appropriates that which God’s love has provided. Example: A father provides house, education and spiritual training for his son. But he can only be befitted as he accepts that which the father’s love has provided. He must live in the house, desire the education, and apply the spiritual training. Even so with great love. Man will not be benefited by God’s great love unless he loves God and accepts His provisions on His terms. God loves all mankind, but He has a special love for His own. Therefore, consider how much He loves His own sons. His sons will make mistakes; the Bible tells us so (1 John 1:8,10). But His sons never change directions, never change Masters. “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, (decision) let him deny himself, (self-denial) and take up his cross daily, (duty) and follow me (direction).” (Luke 9:23). The four Ds for a successful spiritual life:

  1. Decision
  2. Deny self
  3. Duty
  4. Direction

The man who continually appreciates God’s love for fallen man will make mistakes, but he will never change directions.

God’s sons keep pressing on toward the mark of the prize of His calling (Philippians 3:13-14).

Brethren, let us be sure we accept God’s great love by living His process of salvation.

Jesse Jenkins