- Exodus 34
- Moses cut, God rewrote tablets at the top of the mountain
- Same rules as before
- God reveals Himself – Exodus 34:6-7
- Moses worships and pleads His presence with Israel
- God renews His covenant – all the same terms as before
- Moses’ shining face and the veil
- Command to obey all that God had spoken
The Tabernacle
- Exodus 35
- Moses restates the Sabbath edicts
- Contributions for the tabernacle
- Workers for the tabernacle and contents
- All offered as free will offerings
- All who were so moved, contributed
- Exodus 36-37
- Materials and workers pour in
- Moses had to issue a command to stop
- All the work was finally performed
- Exodus 37 – Ark, table, lampstand, altar of incense made
- Exodus 38
- Altar for the burnt offering made
- Bronze basin
- The court
- Listing of materials for the tabernacle
The priestly garments
- Exodus 39:1-31
- All made to specifications as God commanded
- Every stone in order to total twelve stones
- Crowns engraved with “Holy to the Lord”
Tabernacle delivered
- Exodus 39:32-43
- The workers brought it all to Moses
- Everything that had been commanded
- Moses inspected it all
- All was in accordance with God’s commands
- Moses blessed them
Tabernacle erected
- Exodus 40:1-33
- This was one year after leaving Egypt (minus 14 days)
- The tabernacle was erected
- All of its elements were exactly placed
- All utensils and articles were arranged
- Everything consecrated as instructed
- Priests purified and dressed in priestly garments
- Court was erected, veil hung
- Lamps lit, incense burned, offerings offered, laver filled
- All as the Lord had commanded
God’s glorious presence
- Exodus 40:34-38
- The cloud covers the tabernacle
- God’s glory fills the tabernacle
- The cloud signaled Israel’s movements
- Cloud by day, fire by night
- God present with the people as Moses had prayed
- What was Exodus about?
- In general terms
- In thematic content
- What was God’s desire?
- Israel’s love – OR –
- Israel’s obedience?
- I Chronicles 29:18-19
- Circumcision of the heart
- Does God hear the cries of the oppressed?
- Of the obedient?
- Of the disobedient?
- Exodus 2:23-25