“Abstain from fleshly lusts”
- I Thessalonians 4:3-8 – God takes this seriously!
- I John 2:15
- This admonition is for all of us!
- Matthew 18:6 – Jesus cares if we cause others to sin!
- It is certainly possible for us to dress in such a way to cause others to sin.
- Genesis 29:17 – “form and face”
- Genesis 39:6
- Esther 2:7
“aliens and strangers”
- We’re different! We don’t belong here.
- Philippians 3:19-20
- Hebrews 11:13
- When temptations arise, we must remember that we are different. Just because other people in the world are doing something, that doesn’t mean it’s okay for us to do the same.
- Hebrews 13:4
- I Peter 4:2-5