The transfiguration
- Mark 8:27-30
- Mark 8:31-33 – Jesus begins teaching them that He would be killed. Peter says no because of his misconception about the Messiah.
- Mark 8:34-38 – They must become living sacrifices for Jesus and the gospel’s sake. Don’t be ashamed of Jesus!
- Mark 9:2-13 – Jesus was talking with Moses and Elijah about His death (see Luke 9:31). Jesus had to die for them to be saved (Hebrews 9:15)!
- Mark 9:30-32 – Jesus again tells them He will be killed.
- Mark 10:32-34 – Again, Jesus tells them He will be killed.
30+ years after the transfiguration, Peter uses it to teach a lesson
- II Peter 1:16-18 – They were eyewitnesses of His majesty!
- Peter and the other apostles were eyewitnesses of and participants in many miracles.
- John 15:27 – They bore witness of what they’d seen.
- I John 1:1 – “seen with our eyes,” “bear witness,” “heard”
- II Peter 1:19-21 – We have a more sure word of prophecy. Prophecy shined in the darkness until Christ came to bring the full light.
- Luke 16:29 – Moses and the prophets had been dead 400-1400 years! Today we still have them, along with Jesus and the apostles.
Bible date | Bible reference | Scientific fact | Discovery date |
1000 BC; 700 BC | Proverbs 8:27; Isaiah 40:22 | Spherical earth | 1500s AD |
2000 BC | Job 26:7 | Unsupported earth | 1600s AD |
64 AD | Acts 17:26 | Mankind is one blood | 1900 AD |
- God revealed these things to them!
Fulfilled prophecy, including some about Jesus
Bible reference | Approx. date prophesied | Specific event | Approx. date fulfilled | Bible reference |
I Kings 13:1-2 | 960 BC | Told of Josiah and his actions 300 years before his birth | 660 BC | II Kings 22; II Kings 23 |
Isaiah 44-45 | 720 BC | Cyrus to release Jews | 536 BC | Ezra 1:1-3 |
About Jesus, beyond His ability to “fix”
Bible reference | Approx. date prophesied | Specific event | Approx. date fulfilled | Bible reference |
Micah 5:2 | 720 BC | Place of birth | 4-5 BC | Matthew 2:5-6 |
Jeremiah 31:15 | 600 BC | Slaughter of babies | 5-6 BC | Matthew 2:17-18 |
Psalms 41:9; 55:13 | 1000 BC | Betrayed by a friend | 30 AD | John 13:18 |
Zechariah 11:12-13 | 520 BC | Price of betrayal | 30 AD | Matthew 27:9-10 |
Psalms 69:21 | 1000 BC | Vinegar and gall on cross | 30 AD | Matthew 27:34 |
Isaiah 53:12 | 720 BC | Crucified between two thieves | 30 AD | Mark 15:28 |
Psalms 22:16; Zechariah 12:10 | 1000 BC; 520 BC | Nailed and pierced | 30 AD | John 19:34, 37 |
Psalms 34:20 | 1000 BC | No bones broken | 30 AD | John 19:33, 36 |
Psalms 22:18 | 1000 BC | Cast lots for garments | 30 AD | John 19:23-24 |