- Acts 1:8
- Paul’s three preaching journeys:
- Acts 13:1-14:28
- Acts 15:36-18:22
- Acts 18:23-21:17
What the world needs is the good news about Jesus!
- Acts 13:2, 23, 38
- Acts 14:15
- Acts 19:20
- Acts 20:21, 27
- Acts 18:2 – We learn about Aquila and Priscilla because they were forced out of Rome by Claudius.
- Paul’s job was not political reform!
- Luke 19:10
- Would you rather change someone’s political ideas or convert them to Christ?
- Jesus could have shown us all manner of inventions or things about medicine. Instead, He did what we needed most – He taught us about God and died for our sins!
Paul loved all kinds of people!
- Acts 13:47
- Acts 16:13, 27-31
- Acts 17:4
- Acts 18:8
- Acts 19:18 – Paul preached to practicing magicians!
- Colossians 3:11-12
- We should not be thinking about what is different between us and other people, but about how we can be one in Christ with them.
Christians draw strength from each other.
- Acts 14:21-22; 15:36, 41; 16:5
- Acts 20:1