Genesis 1, continued:
Genesis 1:27-31
- God made us male and female.
- Each of us have a role for which we were created.
- God gave us dominion over the animals.
- We should have more value than the animals.
- We should be good stewards of God’s creation.
- God made us different than the animals.
- Animals act instinctively and impulsively and think only of survival.
- The sinful world acts impulsively and thinks only of survival.
- God wants us to rely on him.
- We need to realize our dependence on God.
- God gave man every plant yielding seed.
- God gave animals every green plant.
- It was good! There was nothing wrong with it.
- God’s word is good.
Genesis 2
- Creation was complete by Day 7.
- God establishes a one week pattern for the life of man.
- The week is not based on orbits or rotation. It is based on God’s word.
- Recap of Day 6.
- No shrub of the field was on the earth yet. Why?
- No rain.
- No cultivator.
- A mist used to rise from the earth to water the plants.
- God tells specifically how He created man.
- Man is special.
- The Lord chose man to manage His perfect creation.
- God created every tree that was good to see and eat.
- He also created two special trees!
- The Tree of Life
- The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
- Who was the writer of Genesis?
- Moses
- Who was the audience in v10-14?
- The Israelites
- When Moses described the location of the garden of Eden, he was possibly describing where it was in the past using current landmarks.
- God put man in the garden to cultivate it.
- Why did God put two special trees in the garden?
- Free will! The choice to serve God is a benefit to man.
- God decides to make a suitable helper for Adam.
- Adam needed someone to share life with.
- Genesis 2 ends in absolute magnificent perfection.
- Man and woman together in the presence of God with work to do and the right to obey.
Genesis 3
- The serpent was more cunning…
- Was the serpent Satan? Revelation 12:9; 20:2; Genesis 3:14