Herod the Great (37 BC – 4 BC)
- Matthew 2:1-8, 12-20 – Herod sought to kill Jesus in fear for his own power.
- Herod the Great was constantly paranoid about losing power.
- Herod was the great builder at the time, building fortresses (Herodium, Masada, etc.) and doing massive renovations on the temple and surrounding buildings.
- John 2:19-21
- Mark 13:1 – A few years later, the Roman army destroyed the temple as Jesus prophesied.
- I John 2:15-17 – God always wins. The world will pass away.
Herod Antipas, the tetrarch (4 BC – 39 AD)
- Mark 6:14-28 – Like his father, Herod was afraid of embarrassment before his dinner guests. He was also afraid of John the Baptist.
- Son of Herod the Great.
- Herod knew that there was power outside of him that he had no control over and it made him afraid.
- Luke 23:7-12
Herod Agrippa I (39-44 AD)
- Acts 12:1-3, 19, 21-23
- Nephew of Herod Antipas, grandson of Herod the Great.
- Matthew 10:28
- Herod had power over James’ body, but it did not go beyond that.
Herod Agrippa II (48-93 AD)
- Son of Herod Agrippa I.
- Acts 25:23; 26:1-32
Final take-aways
- Don’t be afraid of “power.”
- Romans 13:1
- No one outlasts King Jesus.
- Revelation 1:5-6
- Seize the truth!
- Proverbs 23:23