
Colossians 1

Hebrews 3-4

Once a child, always a child?

  • I John 3:1-2
  • Terry Watkins, Dial-the-Truth Ministries argues for this view
  • John 10:14; Matthew 5:13 – A good shepherd raises sheep to be sheered and slaughtered. Is that what this figure means? Salt kills slugs. Does that mean that we should be the salt of the earth and kill slugs?
  • John 1:11-13 – Those who received Jesus were given the right to become children of God.
  • Hebrews 12:5-8
  • I John 3:7-10 – Those who do not practice righteousness are not of God.
  • If you start as a child of the devil (as per Calvinism), then by this reasoning you would always be a child of the devil.
