Love is patient, love is kind
- Jesus had to deal with His confused, immature apostles (Matthew 16:8).
Is not jealous (does not envy)
- Jealousy never leads to good (Acts 5:17-19; 7:9)
- Romans 12:15 – Rejoice for those who do well.
Does not take into account a wrong suffered (resentful), bears and endures all things
- Think of the harm you do to yourself by holding a grudge (Proverbs 19:11).
- Matthew 18:15 – You can’t just ignore sin. That’s different from enforcing some personal type of justice.
- Luke 4:28-30 – When people wanted to kill Him, Jesus just left!
Love does not brag (boast), is not arrogant, does not seek its own (insist on its own way)
- If we’re fixated on ourselves, we can’t humbly serve others (Matthew 20:20-28).
Does not act unbecomingly (rude), is not provoked (irritable)
- Don’t go around with a chip on your shoulder (I Samuel 25:3, 10-11).