Jeremiah’s work

  • Jeremiah began prophesying when Josiah was king and prophesied for about 50 years.
  • Jeremiah 1:10 – The majority of Jeremiah’s work was relaying negative messages from God. This certainly must have been tiring for Jeremiah to constantly warn and prophesy doom with only a few positive messages sprinkled in.

Jeremiah’s struggles

How Jeremiah rose above his struggles

  • Jeremiah 10:6-7; 16:19; 20:11 – In the end, Jeremiah praised God!
  • Psalms 73:1-5, 13-17 – David despaired of the evil done to the righteous and the prosperity of the wicked. But then he saw the end that was coming for the wicked.

Application for us

Take your concerns to God and don’t give up!