Matthew 6:19-21
This is an issue of the heart.
Matthew 6:24 – You cannot serve two masters.
I Timothy 6:8-10 – It’s not about money – it’s about the love of money.
We have to trust in God more than stuff.
Matthew 6:19-20 – Earthly treasures are by nature uncertain.
Psalms 62:10
Hebrews 10:32-34
Matthew 5:11-123
Hebrews 13:5-6
Ecclesiastes 5:10-14
If you have little, it’s much easier to trust in God.
Today, we may feel secure, but are we really secure?
Let’s get specific: how do I build up treasures in heaven?
Spend time in God’s service.
- I Timothy 6:11-14
Demonstrate love to everyone.
Luke 6:35-38
Luke 18:22
See to the needs of the brethren.
Persevere when the world hates you.
- Revelation 2:8-11 – They were poor, but rich in heaven. God would not take their poverty away but would them through it.
Yearn for heaven!
- Hebrews 11:16
January 10, 2021
For further study, see also:
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