The church here was good but not perfect. No local church is perfect because people are imperfect. God’s design for the church, however, is perfect.
The church in Thessalonica had internal problems, but also had external pressure of loving in a wicked city (Acts 17:5-ff). II Thessalonians 1:4; I Thessalonians 5:11
There’s always going to be some admonishment required in a local church. That is part of God’s design and doesn’t mean the church has failed.
Does God’s punishment contradict His love? No! People were hurting God’s children. He was protecting them and being just.
Compare II Peter 3:9.
Psalm 140 – An “imprecatory” psalm, calling for judgment on someone.
Paul was comforting the Thessalonians by reminding them that God would take vengeance on those who were persecuting them.
Paul connects Judgment Day with positive words for the Thessalonians. Compare I Thessalonians 4:8; 5:11
II Thessalonians 1:11-12 – We glorify God when we live according to His will.
January 03, 2021
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