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Sin tends to continue (and get worse).
Judges 21:25
Unrighteousness is much easier, but it’s not good for the next generation. What one generation permits, the next embraces.
Therefore, we need to take action.
Judges 2:8-10
If we love our kids and grandkids, we have to take action to stop the slide into sin!
Israel fell away in only one generation!
Eli was a priest and judge for 40 years, yet his sons were worthless! I Samuel 8:3 This is part of the reason Israel wanted a king.
We can’t deny the power of generational influence.
What should we be teaching our kids and grandkids?
- The importance of family.
- Titus 2:3-5
- The ugliness of sin.
- Hebrews 10:26-29
- Physical purity.
- Romans 13:12-14; II Peter 2:7
- The importance of family.