Matthew 5:13-14 – Christians are salt and light.
What did Jesus mean by calling His disciples salt?
We are to be active in the way God needs us to be. We are a tool to be used for God’s purposes. God needs us to spread the gospel to a dark world.
Salt was a necessity. It represented something that was lasting. It is a preservative.
When we see salt around us, let us remember that Jesus wants us to be like salt in this world.
Light brings comfort and safety. It radiates outward.
Light brings knowledge. II Corinthians 4:4-6; Psalms 119:105
Light is essential. It was created on Day 1 of Creation.
If a light is hidden, it does no good.
Sheep are helpless and reliant on the shepherd. They have no defenses and are not smart!
Sheep are social and need to be in a flock.
They need consistency. They won’t follow a stranger.
Jesus is our shepherd. We rely on Him totally!
Matthew 5:13-16 – It is our job to reach others and teach the truth.
November 25, 2020
For further study, see also:
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