False analogy (continued)
Romans 7:2-3 – Marriage, divorce, and remarriage
“Take two people and bind them with a rope. If you cut the rope, how many people are free? Both. So, if one is free, the other is free. Any divorced person can remarry.”
The rope is a false analogy. It does not accurately reflect the way God’s law works.
Luke 15:18 – The parable of the prodigal son, or the older son.
“If my grown child falls away, I should not seek him out, appeal to him, study with him, etc. It’s his job to get up and come to me.”
The parable is about the response of the older son when his brother returned, not about how to reach out to a sinner.
Compare Galatians 6:1; Matthew 15:18; James 5:19. We should try to restore lost brethren.
Circular reasoning (begging the question)
What is it?
- A good argument provides a reason to believe that argument. Circular reasoning fails to do so – it simply circles back to the argument itself.
Spiritual importance
Circular reasoning does not prove anything. We should be careful not to resort to this in spiritual studies and discussions.
Mark 2:1-12 – Jesus did not use circular reasoning to prove that He had authority to forgive sins. Instead, He offered actual proof by healing a paralytic man.
“That doctrine can’t be true because that’s what _______ teach.” (Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Calvinists, etc.)
“The Bible cannot be true because it contains miracles, and miracles violate the laws of nature!”
“The Bible cannot be true because it teaches that the earth is only thousands of years old; whereas, we know the earth is billions of years old.”
“Creation cannot be true because you would have to ignore all that scientific evidence.”
January 05, 2020
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