Acts 17:10-19:7
Acts 17:11 – This is especially impressive considering the fact that they did not have modern Bibles and would have been consulting expensive scrolls.
Acts 17:16 – An ancient writer (Petronius) wrote that in Athens it was easier to find a god than a man!
Acts 17:22 – Mars Hill is just across from the Acropolis and was in the heart of the idolatrous practices of the Athenians. Paul had incredible courage to speak here!
Acts 17:23-28 – Things to learn:
How a woman and her husband can teach someone spiritual things.
Such teaching can be done discreetly, with a pure motive and with the goal of helping the cause of Christ, as opposed to a battle of egos and who knows more.
How one can grow if he is willing to listen and be taught.
Acts 19:1-7 – These disciples had great attitudes. When they found something they needed to do to serve God, they were eager to learn and do it!
July 07, 2019
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