Following Jesus
First of the apostles to follow Jesus (recorded)
Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11
Peter (Simon, called Peter)
Who Jesus is seeking?
The four gospel accounts appear differently
Not everything is in the same order.
Not everything is included in all four accounts.
It appears there are differences in sequences of some events.
How to reconcile
Gospel accounts are not historical accounts per se.
There are other Biblical accounts not in chronological order.
Some not consecutive.
Some recount things in different levels of detail
They were not meant to be all inclusive. John 21:25
Only one account is stated to be recorded in order. Luke 1:3
Timeline to the call
Many things have happened up to this point
Jesus baptized in the Jordan – Matthew 3:13-17
The temptation – Matthew 4:1-11
John’s testimony that Jesus is the Lamb of God – John 1:19-34
Jesus followed by Andrew, Peter, Phillip, Nathanael – John 1:35-51
Jesus turns water into wine at Cana – John 2:1-11
Jesus cleanses the temple – John 2:13-25
Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night – John 3:1-21
John testifies again concerning Jesus – John 3:23-36
John imprisoned, Jesus leaves for Galilee – Matthew 4:12
Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well – John 4:5-42
Jesus arrives in Galilee and teaches there – Luke 4:14-15
Jesus, at Cana, heals the nobleman’s son – John 4:46-54
Jesus makes his home in Capernaum – Matthew 4:13
Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James, John to follow Him – Luke 5:1-11
In the synagogue in Capernaum, Jesus casts out a demon – Mark 1:21-28
Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law – Mark 1:29-34
Jesus preaches throughout Galilee – Mark 1:35-39
Jesus heals a leper, tells him to keep quiet – Mark 1:40-45
Paralytic lowered through roof of house for Jesus to heal – Mark 2:1-12
Jesus calls Matthew – Mark 2:13-14
For further study, see also:
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