• Barnabas
    • We know several things about Barnabas:
      • He had spiritual gifts (Acts 15:12)
      • He worked with Paul extensively (Acts 11:30; 13-14)
      • He was called an “apostle” in Acts 14:14. Apostle means “one sent.” The Holy Spirit specifically called him by name and sent him on this journey (Acts 13:2-4), so the title fits.
      • He made personal sacrifices (Acts 4:37)
      • Barnabas was human, and he sinned (Galatians 2:13)
    • I need to encourage others.
      • Joseph was nicknamed “Barnabas” which was an Aramaic term meaning “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36)
      • Acts 15:35 – Barnabas spent his time preaching and teaching.
      • Acts 11:19-26 – How to encourage!
      • How can we encourage others? Hebrews 3:13; 10:23-25; I Thessalonians 5:11-14
    • I need to fight for truth.
      • Acts 15:1-2
      • Notice how much conflict Paul and Barnabas ran into on that first preaching trip (Acts 13:45-46, 50-51; 14:2-7, 14, 18-22).
      • Barnabas was a positive encourager, but he also engaged in conflict when necessary in order to stand for God’s truth.
      • Jesus said he brought a “sword” (Matthew 10:34) and Paul spoke of warfare (II Corinthians 10:4). God’s word is not only for teaching, but also for “reproof” and “correction” (II Timothy 3:16). Consider Ephesians 4:15; II Corinthians 6:11; 7:8-10; Galatians 4:16.
    • I need to give people a chance.
      • Barnabas vouched for the recently converted Paul (Acts 9:26-28). He also tried to give John Mark a second chance (Acts 15:36-41).
      • Can we love others without being gullible and naïve?
      • How should we view a person who is recovering from sin? II Corinthians 2:6-7; Luke 15