[Many thanks to Larry Bunch for catching me up on the notes I missed for this lesson. -MRW]
- Last lesson
- Role of women in 1st century Jewish society
- Start with status in Old Testament times
- Finish next week
- Role of women in 1st century Jewish society
- Question from last week:
- Did Josephus mention demon possession?
- Answer:
- Yes
- Antiquities chapters 2, 5, 8, 45-48
- Wars of the Jews chapter 7.6.3
- Bizarre references to a root “described” by Solomon
- “Eyewitness” account
- No mention with regard to Jesus or disciples
- Status of women in Old Testament times
- Women’s main purpose
- Promulgate God’s blessing on Abraham
- Continuing the family line – Deuteronomy 25:5-10
- Shame of being barren – I Samuel 1:1-11
- Limitations of women
- Scriptural (Old Testament) limitations few
- Innovative limitations were multitudinous
- Women’s main purpose
- Range of women’s activities in Old Testament times
- Shared in the teaching of their children – Proverbs 1:8
- Performed chores outside home
- Prophetess: Exodus 15:20-21; Numbers 12; Judges 4; 2 Kings 22:14-20
- Judge over Israel: Judges 4
- Shadow combatant: Judges 4, 9
- Women’s Old Testament activities continued …
- Commerce, real estate, etc. – Proverbs 31
- Manual labor – Exodus 35:25; Ruth 2:7; I Samuel 8:13
- Musicians in the tabernacle/temple – Psalms 68:25
- Lead women in song of praise – Exodus 15:20-21
- How women were considered in Old Testament times
- Included in the covenant – Deuteronomy 29:9-12
- Sources of wisdom – 2 Kings 22:14-20
- Wisdom personified as feminine – Proverbs 7:4, 8
- Having great prudence – I Samuel 25:23-42
- Wife is a very good find – Proverbs 19:14; 18:22
- Life of a women on par with life of a man – Exodus 21:22-29
- Coming weeks
- Comparing women in Old Testament times to 1st century
- Social strata of Jerusalem
- Religious sects
- Temple
- Priesthood