Last lesson
- Galilee
- Samaritans
- Temples
- Gerizim
- Elephantine
- Heliopolis
- End of rule for John Hyrcanus
- Treacheries of Aristobulus
This lesson
- Results of Aristobulus’ rule
- Profane rule of Jannaeus
- Last of the Hasmoneans
- First of the Herodians
John Hyrcanus designates wife as heir
- As ruler, not as priest
- He dies in 104 BC
- Son (Aristobulus) imprisons her and 3 brothers
Aristobulus now rules
- Declares himself as both priest and king
- Conquers the rest of Galilee and Iturea
- Dies of illness after one year
Wife of Aristobulus nicer than husband
Jannaeus now high priest and king
- Marries brother’s widow, Alexandra
- Spent younger years in Galilee
- Vigorous military campaigns
- Gained much territory
- Lost same within several years
- Persecuted Pharisees
- Mocked the feasts
Civil war
- Pharisees vs Sadducees, Hasmoneans
- 50,000 killed in six years
- Pharisees appeal to Seleucids for help
- Eventually dump foreign tyrants for native tyrant
- Jannaeus dies in 76 BC
- Queen Salome Alexandra takes throne
Queen Alexandra
- Establishes Sanhedrin
- Rabbinical council
- Religious legislative powers
- Judicial authority
- Strengthens Judean army
- Appoints son, John Hyrcanus II, as high priest
- She dies in 67 BC
- Son takes throne
- Establishes Sanhedrin
John Hyrcanus II takes the throne
- Aristobulus II goes to war
- “Fight” at Jericho
- Siege at Jerusalem
- Hyrcanus surrenders with terms
- Antipater the Idumean
- Well-heeled noble from Idumea
- Skilled politician and diplomat
- Veteran governor of Idumea under Hasmoneans
- Sees Hyrcanus as weak and pliable
- Aristobulus II goes to war
Plots to replace Aristobulus
- Places Hyrcanus with Nabateans
- Makes promises for support
Siege of Jerusalem
- Nabateans take 50,000 troops
- They commit two serious offenses
Race for Roman support
- General Scaurus is completing conquest in Syria
- Both brothers try to bribe him
- Initial call is in favor of Aristobulus
Pompey comes to town
- More bribes
- Pompey ignores bribes
- Considers annexation of Judea instead
Caesar and Pompey contend for rule
- Caesar wins, Antipater supports him
- Antipater appointed governor of Judea
- Hyrcanus appointed high priest, tetrarch
Coming weeks
- Herodian Dynasty
- Role of women in Jewish society
- Social strata of Jerusalem
- Religious sects
- Purification
- Laws of the Sabbath
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