• The system known as Calvinism dates back to Augustine, well before Calvin.
  • Calvinism is based on a misunderstanding of the sovereignty of God.
  • God has the power to save, but also the power and right to set the conditions for salvation.
  • Matthew 11:28-29
  • John Calvin endorsed the beliefs of Augustine and expanded on them. The five points of Calvinism were formed during the Synod of Dort in the 1618-1619.
  • Calvinism is based on the belief that God saves man without intervention from man. Sinners do not save themselves in any manner at all.
  • The Five Points
    • Total depravity: Born guilty of Adam’s sin; thus, totally inclined to evil, incapable of a good thought or deed.
    • Unconditional predestination: Being born incapable of a good thought, none could choose to be saved; therefore, God chose some to be saved.
    • Limited atonement: God chose some to be saved; some were not chosen, therefore Christ died only for the chosen ones.
    • Irresistible grace (direct operation of the Holy Spirit): God chose some to be saved and sent the Holy Spirit upon those He had chosen.
    • Perseverance of saints (once saved, always saved)
  • A logical system
    • Each step follows very logically.
  • Logical, but wrong!
    • Calvinism is a logical system that starts from an incorrect premise, namely that all people are themselves guilty of Adam’s sin. The Bible refutes this in many places. With this premise removed, the whole Calvinist system of belief collapses.
    • Ezekiel 18:2-4
    • Isaiah 59:1-2
    • Hebrews 2:14-18
    • John 6:44-45
    • John 10:18
    • Revelation 22:17